In this episode I detail and shed light onto a deadly mistake that many make on their quest to greatness. The goal is for you to not make this mistake.
In this episode I share some critical advide that will help you to gain a level of balance as you struggle and strive towards greatness.
There are many things we are never taught, and this lack of knowledge can (and often does) lead to costly mistakes. In this epsiode I share somekey wisdom an dadvice for athletes on how to relate to women and relationships.
In this epsiode I share some powerful strategies for dealing with grief, depression and all varieties of emotional pain.
In this epsidoe I share some powerful and practical things to consider before any athlete gets married.
In this epsiodes I give a complete breakdown on how athletes should approach dating, relationships and all of the chalenges that come with it.
In this epsiode I break down practical steps to start building an authenitc confidence and stop caring so much about what others think of you.