One of the most difficult things to do is master’s even tougher to build a harmonious relationship with another person, especially if you started off on rocky terrain. Many of us grow and find things out as we go along, and it can be a struggle to grow with your partner without things getting downright explosive. In this episode I share some keys, jewels and insights with you as I navigate these same waters.
Time Stamps:
(1:22) Preface to today’s episode
(7:55) Reality: There’s no rules to this
(10:35) Reality: Avoid the shortcuts
(14:00) Reality: “Beginner’s luck”
(18:52) Reality: There is a reset button
(22:34) My keys for you…
(23:32) Key: Know yourself
(29:07) Key: Give your partner your “keys”
(32:53) Key: Reinforce success
(35:56) Key: Establish the leader + enroll
(42:15) Key: Establish relationship roles
(44:34) Key: Encourage personal growth
(48:10) Key: Evaluate
(50:53) In conclusion…